Having a Carrier Infinity® thermostat installed in your home will help you save money on your energy bills. In fact, the company’s thermostats are so advanced that they even allow you to change the temperature of your home when you aren’t there! If you were wondering what some other of the best benefits of choosing their thermostats are, here are three:

  1. They Have Wi-Fi Capabilities.

    If your work day goes longer than expected, you plan on coming home early, or you are staying an extra day at the shore, you can adjust your thermostat immediately. Because most have Wi-Fi remote access features, you can easily change the temperature of your home to make it the ideal comfort level. And, if you do happen to be on vacation, you can keep your utility bills low by having it set at an “energy-saving” temperature!

  2. You Can Set Up Reminders.

    Not only can you tell these thermostats what to do, but you can program some models to tell you what needs to be done. You can set up reminders that will inform you to do an important task such as change an air filter and/or schedule annual heating/cooling maintenance. What’s more, you can set up these reminders to be sent to your email or phone!

  3. Touch-N-Go® Makes Everything Easier.

    Want to change the settings of your thermostat for a day or two, but don’t want to want to interfere with other pre-programmed temperature settings? Well, the Touch-N-Go® feature on these thermostats allows you to do just that! If it ends up being too hot or cold one day and you want to change the temperature, all you need to do is take a couple of seconds to adjust it to be where you want!

As a company that repairs heating and air conditioning equipment in Metro Atlanta, you can rest assured that we also install temperature control products in the homes of our customers! Give us a call today at 404-261-2280 to learn more!