Soon, the summer will be here, and if you’re like most people, you’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors. But, as comfortable as it is to spend time outside, you also need to start preparing your home to heat the beat. One of the best ways to do this is by having an effective air conditioner installed in your home to stay comfortable during the hot summer days.

But if you don’t maintain it properly, your AC unit will start to break down and eventually stop working. This year, however, be sure to take care of your air conditioning system to enjoy the season’s warm weather and avoid potentially hazardous problems.

Here are seven tips to help ensure that your air conditioner remains in good shape during this summer:

Clean and replace your air filter regularly

An air filter is an indispensable part of an AC system, but it is often overlooked. The filter collects and traps dust, debris, allergens, and other dispersed dirt particles from the air that passes through it, which could affect your AC’s performance and efficiency. You should check and clean your filters every month or two, depending on how much dust and dirt have accumulated on them. If you have pets or small children in the house, you’ll want to clean them more often. Besides, you should also replace your filter every three months or so, depending on how much dust is in your area. If you notice that your air filter is dirty or clogged up, change it immediately so that it does not hinder the unit from doing its job properly. This will keep dust and other contaminants from entering and building up inside your system and clogging up the works.

Keep the Evaporator Coil and Condensing Unit Clean

Dirt can build upon these components over time, reducing airflow through your home and causing them to heat up more than usual. If they’re dirty or full of debris, they can increase energy consumption and reduce efficiency by up to 30%, resulting in higher utility bills for you! To ensure your AC works appropriately, check that both parts of your system are clean and free of any obstructions like leaves or pine needles that could block airflow. You can use an attachment on your vacuum cleaner to clean out the coils if they get dirty — just make sure they’re dry before turning them back on!

However, if you notice any cracks in either part of the system or any leaks, hire a professional AC repair company in Johns Creekto run diagnostics on your unit.

Regularly Service Your AC Unit

Before the summer begins, schedule an AC service call with a certified HVAC technician. Most people wait until a problem occurs before they have their unit serviced. This can cause more damage than if you had taken care of it when it was still working well. You should have a professional come out at least once a year for a full inspection of all major components of your system. The technician will check for cracks or leaks in pipes and seals, clean coils, replace filters, and repair damaged parts. If something is wrong with your system that needs repairing or replacing, it’s best to catch it early before it gets worse and becomes more expensive to fix later on down the road.

Use Ceiling Fans to Improve Circulation

If you have ceiling fans in your home and they aren’t being used during the winter months, then bring them out of storage and start using them again! Ceiling fans pull cooler air from below down into the room and can help improve circulation throughout your home while using less energy than air conditioning units do. They’re also a great way to reduce the temperature without turning on the A/C unit! However, they don’t cool down rooms as effectively as an air conditioner, so they should not be used as an alternative to central cooling systems but rather as a supplement.

Insulate Your Attic and Basement

If your attic doesn’t have insulation, it’s time to call a professional to add some. Attics are usually the coldest part of a house, so insulating them will help keep your home more comfortable during the summer months when temperatures soar outside. If your basement doesn’t have any insulation either, insulating it will help control moisture levels and keep out drafts. In addition, this will also help save on your energy bills since less cool air will need to be used to maintain comfort levels. For maximum efficiency, both attics and basements should be insulated with 2-5 inches of fiberglass insulation.

Trim Back Shrubs and Bushes around the Outdoor Unit

Shrubs and bushes can block airflow from reaching the outdoor unit during warm weather months, increasing the unit’s operating temperature. If such happens, your air conditioner will overheat and stop functioning optimally, leading to expensive repairs. So, make sure that no shrubs or bushes aren’t placed near your outdoor unit.

Make Sure There Are No Leaks in Ducts or Windows

It’s vital that there are no holes or leaks in your ductwork or window panes because they can lead to poor indoor air quality and cause buildup. When your AC has been compromised by the leaky ducts or windows, it will eventually fail to push cold air and cool down rooms properly. This leads to higher energy bills since your AC unit has to run longer than necessary to heat each room in your house. If you notice any leaks or cracks, contact a professional AC repair to repair them before they become more serious problems down the road.

Whether your air conditioner is performing poorly or busted down entirely and require professional AC repair and tune-up services in Atlanta, Central Heat of GA is just a call away! Get in touch with us at 404-261-2280 to schedule your AC service in Sandy Springs.